Behavior management is a big part of what I do. The group I have NEEDS clear cut expectations. When expectations are not clear, I start to see arguing or whining.
To help them manage their behavior, I use Daily Behavior Recording Cards. These are logs that I created that follow our campus wide "Be a H.E.R.O." initiative. I have taken the acronym and added a few examples.
Implementing these cards is easy. I use a points system and the points system is related to my reward system. I do not allow the kids to hold on to these cards as we have a tendency to lose them :) I keep them in a clip and ask one student to pass them out at the end of class. As they pack up their things and turn in their pencils I go from desk to desk and quickly write their points. Once they have viewed their score, they turn it in and are dismissed from class. They take them home on Fridays and have them signed.
My class features an economy system. Their points directly translate to money 1pt+ $0.01.
Enjoy this FREEBIE :)